It is the policy of Baker College to provide a safe environment for its employees and students. This policy is intended to protect employees and students from bullying and/or aggressive behavior. Bullying is defined as repeated, abusive conduct that causes intentional physical or emotional harm to the target and often involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim, which may involve a gesture or a written, verbal, social, graphic, or physical act.
Baker prohibits any form of bullying or harassment. This prohibition includes written, physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, including hazing, gestures, comments, threats, or actions which cause, or threaten to cause, bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation. Bullying is not the same as teasing, but repeated, harmful teasing is a form of bullying. Constant undue criticism, work sabotage, and glaring are all potential examples of bullying tactics.
Bullying fosters a climate of fear and disrespect that can seriously impair the physical and psychological health of its victims. Bullying or harassment creates conditions that undermine the ability of individuals to achieve their full potential.
The following are examples of bullying or harassment:
Verbal Bullying
Repeated comments made to, or about, a person by one or more people. These comments can include name-calling, intimidation, and humiliation tactics. Verbal bullying often happens when an imbalance of power exists between the bully and the bullied person, but sometimes the goal is to create this imbalance. When bullying creates a hostile environment and is based on a protected category, it could rise to the level of unlawful harassment.
Physical Bullying
Repeated physically aggressive actions toward a recipient. Some forms of physical bullying constitute assault, battery, or false imprisonment. Even if no one complains, bullying may be occurring.
Social Bullying
Harming a person socially, often resulting in social isolation of the victim. Examples of social bullying include spreading rumors, staring and laughing, or shunning.
Cyber Bullying
Using digital means such as the Internet, social media, cell phones, or other electronic devices to bully someone.
Bringing, or threatening to bring, baseless legal actions against someone to control or punish them.
Students who believe that they have been the subjects of bullying or harassment should report the alleged conduct immediately to the campus Director/Vice President of Student Affairs. An investigation of all complaints will be undertaken immediately. The investigation and its results will remain confidential, to the extent possible.
Any student found by the College to have bullied or harassed an employee/student may be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions ranging from a warning in his or her file, up to and including termination/expulsion.
Retaliating or discriminating against a student for complaining about bullying, harassment, or participating in an investigation is prohibited.
The College recognizes that the issue of whether bullying or harassment has occurred requires a factual determination based on all the evidence received. The College also recognizes that false accusations of bullying or harassment can have serious effects on innocent men and women. We trust that all employees/students will continue to act in a responsible and professional manner to establish a pleasant working/educational environment free of discrimination.
Individuals who wish to file a complaint should complete the Baker College Complaint/Grievance Form.