The goal of Baker College's Academic Center is to promote, support, and encourage academic maturity and excellence in its students, regardless of level of education and experience in the field.
Academic Center Contact Information(231) 777-5232Fax (231) 777-5265
Students have access to various support services through the ARC, including free tutoring (on-campus and online), writing and research help, B&W and color printing, and our extensive collection of reference material for your assignment.
ARC Contact Information(231) 777-5330[email protected]
The Admissions office is eager to help you get to the next level, and support you in our learning community. Let us help you grow and achieve all the things you’ve been dreaming of.
Admissions Contact Information(231) 777-5200
To provide students with the best possible experience, we've combined many of our student services into a single destination, OneStop. Here you'll find help for all your academic, financial aid, and student billing needs.
OneStop Office(833)-691-7867
All the supplies you need. One convenient location. No need to go from store to store to find the supplies you need for your classes. Your Baker College Bookstore has everything you need.
Bookstore(231) 777-5340Fax (231) 777-5344
Our Campus Safety officers take pride in making everyone feel welcome and at home while also providing a safe and secure experience for all students, faculty and staff.
Campus Safety(231) 777-5300
Career Services coordinates a wide range of career-related services for students and alumni to help them achieve their career goals.
Career Services Contact Information(231) 777-6500
The IT Service Center is here to help you with all your computer needs. Stop by or call to have one of our knowledgable staff answer your questions.
IT Service Center(800) 645-8350