Campus Housing

Residence Life

When you choose to live in student housing you will be part of a community-oriented atmosphere, with an opportunity to meet new people, form friendships, and become a part of a supportive network.

Other benefits include:

  • Convenient location: Living in student housing, on campus or nearby, makes it easier to attend classes and other campus activities.
  • Affordable cost: Compared to other housing options, student housing is usually more affordable and provides a cost-effective living solution.
  • Amenities: Student housing facilities offer a range of amenities such as shared kitchens, laundry facilities, recreational spaces, and free wifi connections, which can make life easier and more convenient.
  • Safety and security

Housing is available on the following campuses:  Cadillac, Muskegon, Owosso, Port Huron

Apply for Student Housing

Students new to Baker College do not need to complete the Student Housing Application. Instead, reach out to your advisor for your next steps.

Student Housing Application

Payment Fee Amount

  • Students pay a $100 commitment fee for housing, covering fall and spring semesters.
  • Fees must be paid online with a credit/debit card or international wire transfer when filling out the Student Housing Application.

Complete the following forms to secure your room assignment once your housing application has been submitted.

Licensing Agreement
This is a contract required to live in student housing.

Characteristic Questionnaire
Be open and honest as you complete this to assist us in the roommate matching process.

Emergency Contact Form
This is the information we will use in case of an emergency.

Confidential Contact Form - Missing Person
This is the information we will use in case you go missing. 

Additional Housing Forms

Resident Assistant

RA Job Description

RA Application Form  (for new Resident Assistant applicants)

RA Re-Application Form  (for current Resident Assistants)

RA Confidentiality Agreement


Other Accommodations

Break Accommodations


Intern Accommodations

Intern Housing Reservation Form


Unit Management

Bedroom Change Form

Keys Received Acknowledgment

Unit Change Request Form

Unit Condition Form